Books In Schools

Books Recently Removed From Cobb County Schools

The Perks of Being a WallFlower 

"...Do you know what "masturbation" is? I think you probably do because you are older than me. But just in case, I will tell you. Masturbation is when you rub your genitals until you have an orgasm. Wow!"

The Perks of Being a WallFlower  Page 21

"After a few minutes, she stopped protesting, and he pulled her shirt off, and she had a white bra on with lace. I honestly didn't know what to do by this point. Pretty soon, he took off her bra and started to kiss her breasts. And then he put his hand down her pants, and she started moaning."

The Perks of Being a WallFlower  Page 30

""Please. Dave. No." But the boy just talked soft to her about how good she looked and things like that, and she grabbed his penis with her hands and started moving it. I wish I could describe this a little more nicely without using words like penis, but that was the way it was. After a few minutes"

The Perks of Being a WallFlower  Page 30

"After a few minutes, the boy pushed the girl's head down, and she started to kiss his penis. She was still crying. Finally, she stopped crying because he put his penis in her mouth, and I don't think you can cry in that position. I had to stop watching at that point because I started to feel sick, but it kept going on, and they kept doing other things, and she kept saying "no." Even when I covered my ears, I could still hear her say that."

The Perks of Being a WallFlower  Page 30

"When most people left, Brad and Patrick went into Patrick's room. They had sex for the first time that night. I don't want to go into detail about it because it's pretty private stuff, but I will say that Brad assumed the role of the girl in terms of where you put things. I think that's pretty important to tell you. When they were finished, Brad started to cry really hard. He had been drinking a lot. And getting really really stoned."

The Perks of Being a WallFlower  Page 44

Actual Illustrations and Images

Warning Viewer Discretion is Advised
Some images my contain depictions of sexual situations, nudity, drug use, or violence.  

The Perks of Being a WallFlower 

by Stephen Chbosky
ISBN: 978-1-4516-9620-2, 978-1-4391-2243-3

Summary of Concerns: This book contains sexual activities including assault and battery; sexual nudity; profanity; violence; alcohol and drug use.

Book Content

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I just need to know that someone out there listens and understands and doesn’t try to sleep with people even if they could have. I need to know that these people exist. 
That’s maybe why he felt all alone and killed himself. 
But over the summer she had her braces taken off, and she got a little taller and prettier and grew new breasts. 
12  And I opened the door to the basement, and my sister and this boy were naked. He was on top of her, and her legs were draped over either side of the couch. And she screamed at me in a whisper. “Get out. You pervert.” 
21  I had a weird dream. I was with Sam. And we were both naked. And her legs were spread over the sides of the couch. And I woke up. And I had never felt that good in my life. But I also felt bad because I saw her naked without her permission. …Do you know what “masturbation” is? I think you probably do because you are older than me. But just in case, I will tell you. Masturbation is when you rub your genitals until you have an orgasm. Wow! I thought that in those movies and television shows when they talk about having a coffee break that they should have a masturbation break. …I told Sam that I dreamt that she and I were naked on the sofa, and I started crying because I felt bad, and do you what she did? She laughed. 
30  This one couple, whom I was told later were very popular and in love, stumbled into my room and asked if I minded them using it. I told them that my brother and sister said I had to stay here, and they asked if they could use the room anyway with me still in it. I sad I didn’t see why not, so they closed the door and started kissing. Kissing very hard. After a few minutes, the boy’s hand went up the girl’s shirt, and she started protesting. “C’mon, Dave.” “What?” “The kid’s in here.” “It’s okay.” And the boy kept working up the girl’s shirt, and as much as she sat no, he kept working it. After a few minutes, she stopped protesting, and he pulled her shirt off, and she had a white bra on with lace. I honestly didn’t know what to do by this point. Pretty soon, he took off her bra and started to kiss her breasts. And then he put his hand down her pants, and she started moaning. I think they were both very drunk. He reached to take off her pants, but she started crying really hard, so he reached for his own. He pulled his pants and underwear down to his knees. “Please. Dave. No.” But the boy just talked soft to her about how good she looked and things like that, and she grabbed his penis with her hands and started moving it. I wish I could describe this a little more nicely without using words like penis, but that was the way it was. After a few minutes, the boy pushed the girl’s head down, and she started to kiss his penis. She was still crying. Finally, she stopped crying because he put his penis in her mouth, and I don’t think you can cry in that position. I had to stop watching at that point because I started to feel sick, but it kept going on, and they kept doing other things, and she kept saying “no.” Even when I covered my ears, I could still hear her say that. …”Did they know you were in there?” “Yes. They asked if they could use the room.” “Why didn’t you stop them?” “I didn’t know what they were doing.” “You pervert,”… 
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33  Sam told me as we were hanging up our coats that Bob was “baked like a fucking cake.” 
44  When most people left, Brad and Patrick went into Patrick’s room. They had sex for the first time that night. I don’t want to go into detail about it because it’s pretty private stuff, but I will say that Brad assumed the role of the girl in terms of where you put things. I think that’s pretty important to tell you. When they were finished, Brad started to cry really hard. He had been drinking a lot. And getting really really stoned. 
45  He was also crying pretty bad, and he decided if anyone asked him, he would say his eyes were red from smoking pot. 
49  According to my sister, Sam used to be a “blow queen.” I hope you know what that means because I really can’t think about Sam and describe it to you. 
56  They usually start when my mom’s dad (my grandfather) finishes his third drink. It is around this time that he starts to talk a lot. My grandfather usually just complains about black people moving into the old neighborhood, and then my sister gets upset at him, and then my grandfather tells her that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about because she lives in the suburbs. 
66  And I wasn’t shy because we were trying to act like grown-ups, and we drank brandy. And I was warm. I’m still a little warm, but I have to tell you this. …That’s when Patrick put on the second side of the tape I made for him and poured everyone another glass of brandy. I guess we all looked a little silly drinking it, but we didn’t feel silly. 
70  She told me about the first time she was kissed. She told me that it was with one of her dad’s friends. She was seven. 
72  And he caught his sister making out on the back porch …That made him cough when he kissed her but he kissed her anyway because that was the thing to do And he called it “Absolutely Nothing” because that’s what it was really all about And he gave himself an A and a slash on each damned wrist And he hung it on the bathroom door because this time he didn’t think he could reach the kitchen. 
81  I agreed, but then my brother started saying how my sister was just a “bitchy dyke.” …I am probably the only one in the family with a friend who is gay. 
94  Everyone else is either asleep or having sex. 
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95  That’s what Bob said before he went to his bedroom with Jill, a girl that I don’t know. 
96  But the thing is that I can hear Sam and Craig having sex, and for the first time in my life, I understand the end of that poem. And I never wanted to. 
100  Regardless, I decided to never take LSD again. 
101  The book said that sometimes people take LSD, and they don’t really get out of it. 
110  Patrick kept making jokes that I would get an “erection.” I really hoped this wouldn’t happen. Once, I got an erection in class and had to go to the blackboard. 
113  Sam did say that sex things were tricky with Mary Elizabeth since she’s had boyfriends before and is a lot more experienced than I am. She said that the best thing to do when you don’t know what to do during anything sexual is pay attention to how that person is kissing you and kiss them back the same way. 
116  That’s when she told me she was pregnant. 
119  “Charlie, are you smoking?!” …”I can’t believe you’re smoking!” 
123  So, I told him a little about Mary Elizabeth, leaving out the part about the tattoo and belly button ring. …He lit a cigarette and started telling me about sex. 
124  …”wear protection,”… …Things like sex don’t embarrass him. …I think he was especially happy because I used to kiss this boy in the neighborhood a lot when I was very little, and even though the psychiatrist said it was very natural for little boys and girls to explore things like that, I think my father was afraid anyway. 
126  And then she leaned down and started kissing my neck and ears. Then my cheeks. Then my lips. And everything kind of melted away. She took my hand and slid it up her sweater, and I couldn’t believe what was happening to me. Or what breasts felt like. Or later, what they looked like. Or how difficult bras are. After we had done everything you can do from the stomach up, I lay on the floor, and Mary Elizabeth put her head on my chest. 
130  Sex things are so weird, too. It’s like after that first night, we have this pattern where we basically do what we did that first time, but there is no fire or Billie Holiday record because we are in a car, and everything is rushed. Maybe this is the way things are supposed to be, but it doesn’t feel right. …So, I asked her about Mary Elizabeth (leaving out the sex part) because I knew she could be neutral about it, especially since she “stayed clear” of dinner. 
144  They were all laughing and making sex jokes, and Susan was doing her best to laugh along with them. 
158  “So, they’ve been going out for a long time, and I think they’ve even had sex before, but this was going to be a special night…” …”They start to make out. The stereo’s playing, and they’re just about to ‘do it’ when Parker realizes he forgot the condoms. They’re both naked on this putting green. They both want each other. There’s no condom. So, what do you think 
happened?” “I don’t know.” “They did it doggie-style with one of the sandwich bags!” 
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160  We hugged good night, and when I was just about to let go, he held me a little tighter. And he moved his face to mine. And he kissed me. A real kiss. Then, he pulled away real slow. …So, he said “thanks” and hugged me again. And moved in to kiss me again. And I just let him. …We didn’t do anything other than kiss. 
161  We drink a lot. Actually, it’s more like Patrick drinks, and I sip. …He said that eye contact is how you agree to fool around anonymously. 
171  It was fun watching my sister dance the Time Warp on stage, but I don’t think I could have handled her pretending to have sex with a large stuffed Gumby. 
178  “Don’t blame me that you fucked around on her since the beginning!…” 
186  “This is good champagne.” I don’t think he knew the difference because he’s a beer drinker. Sometimes, whiskey. …I went with all my Ohio cousins, who promptly pulled out a “joint” and passed it around. 
187  “Jesus. Look at these bleachers. How many colored people-” 
188  Then, Mr. Small and the vice principal, whom Patrick swears is gay… 
190  On the way home for the party, my Ohio cousins lit up another joint. 
192  After about half an hour looking around the dance club, I finally saw Mary Elizabeth with Peter. They were both drinking scotch and sodas, which Peter bought since he is older and had his hand stamped. …She told me that Alice was getting high in the ladies’ room and Sam and Patrick were on the floor dancing. …Then, he took Mary Elizabeth’s drink out of her hand and drank it. “Hey, asshole” was her response. I think he was drunk, even though he hasn’t been drinking lately, but Patrick does stuff sober, so it’s hard to tell. 
193  Her whisper smelled like cranberry juice and vodka. 
196  After I ate my Ho-Ho, I lit up a cigarette,… 
197  She was scared, and it wasn’t until she had a sip of whatever we were drinking or a hit off of whatever we were smoking that she would calm down and be the same Sam. 
202  So, I kissed her. And she kissed me back. And we lay down on the floor and kept kissing. And it was soft. And we made quiet noises. And kept silent. And still. We went over to the bed and lay down on all the things that weren’t put in suitcases. And we touched each other from the waist up over our clothes. And then under out clothes. And then without clothes. And it was so beautiful. She was so beautiful. She took my hand and slid it under her pants. And I touched her. And I just couldn’t believe it. …Until she moved her hand under my pants, and she touched me. 
205 I just keep seeing him, and he keeps hitting my sister, and he won’t stop, and I want him to stop because he doesn’t mean it, but he just doesn’t listen, and I don’t know what to do. 
Profanity  Count 